Would Jesus Drive a Jag?
And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” - Luke 8:20
I live in an area where there are many fancy cars. I pass BMW's, Mercedes and high priced vehicles every single day that I get on the road. Just a few months ago this thought came to my mind… "would Jesus drive a Jaguar?" As I began to think deeper about this, here is what I came up with.
- A widow gives two small coins and Jesus praises her for giving more than all the others.
- He tells the rich young ruler to sell EVERYTHING and follow Him.
- He says that the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things choke out the word of God sown in our hearts.
- He calls the man wanting to build bigger barns and storehouses for his worldly goods a "FOOL."
- He tells us NOT to store up treasures for ourselves here on earth, where moth and rust destroy.
- He tells us NOT to seek after food, drink or clothing, saying that is what the pagans seek after.
- He tells us that in saving our lives we are losing them, but in losing our lives for His sake we are actually finding them.
- He says that we CAN'T serve two masters that we CANNOT serve both God and money.
- He questions our love for God if we have the worlds goods, see a brother in need and close our hearts to him.
- He tells us that friendship with the world is ENMITY toward God.
- He tells men of God to FLEE from the love of money.
- He talks about the problems of wealth more than heaven and hell combined, nearly 1/3 of all His sermons deal with money.
- He modeled poverty for us, having no place to lay down His head to rest.
- And lastly, The King of Kings, The Creator of the universe didn't ride in on a white horse or chariot when He came into Jerusalem but rather… He rode in on a donkey!
Therefore, I'm convinced, that if Jesus walked among us today… He most definitely would NOT drive a Jaguar!