Two Masters...

"You shall have no other gods before me." 
- Exodus 20:3

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." 
- Matthew 6:24

As I was driving in downtown Dallas last week, this image struck a deep cord within me so I had to get a picture of it. What you're looking at is The Cathedral Santuario de Guadalupe built in 1898. In its day, I can only assume that it was one of the biggest & most beautiful buildings downtown. Now it is surrounded by business, money & industry. The skyscrapers beside it are so big that it makes this beautiful building & its towering cross look minuscule & almost insignificant. Where once, the cross of Christ stood tall over the city, now it can barely be seen among the towers signifying the riches of man. 

A god is something or someone (as Christians believe) that we put our trust in, that we rely upon, that gives us comfort, security, peace & joy. Is there any wonder why the Lord tells us that we can't serve both God & money? Is there any wonder why He tells us not to have any other "gods" before Him? And… is there any wonder why we live such empty, stressed-out & unfulfilled lives? Could the answer be in the picture above? We have made money (& the pursuit of it) the most important thing in our country, in our cities & all too often in our own hearts. 

God tear down the idol of money in our lives! Teach us to trust in You & You alone & to seek first Your Kingdom & Your righteousness. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Would Jesus Drive a Jag?


Open Hearts & Open Wallets