"And You Will Be My Witnesses" - Jesus

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." - Matt 9:37 

53% of all who come to Christ worldwide come through the use of printed gospel literature (stat from American Tract Society). 

It is absolutely true that God's word will not return to Him empty and that it will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purposes for which He sends it. -Is 55:11

Will you engage with me it sending His word?

As I have been using tracts more and more, I find it to be quite fun. I will leave them at gas stations, in shopping carts, in books at bookstores and countless other places. Tracts can speak for you when you don't know what to say and can even find their way into people's hearts and homes that we'll never be invited into. 

Why should we use Gospel tracts? Simply put, because God uses them to change the hearts of men... Hudson Taylor & George Whitefield's lives were transformed through the impact of a gospel tract.

Charles Spurgeon once said, 

"Tracts are adapted to those persons who have but little power and little ability, but nevertheless, wish to do something for Christ.

That sounds like me, how about you?

R.A. Torrey, Oswald J. Smith and Billy Graham all knew the power of the printed page. Listen to what Billy once said..."nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of the Good News."

So... I'll ask again, will you join me in planting the seed of God's Word by using Gospel tracts?

It's fun, it's easy and it's FREE... eternity is to gain and we have nothing to lose. 

If you would like to begin sharing your faith more often and to start planting seeds by the way of using Gospel tracts (silent preachers), I would highly recommend Bezeugen Ministries www.bezeugen.org. If you sign up with their "tract club" they will send you 30 FREE gospel tracts each month to use. You can sign up here... Bezeugen Ministries

I'll leave you with a thought that Spurgeon penned.

"There is a real service of Christ in the distribution of the gospel in its printed form, a service the result of which heaven alone shall disclose, and the judgment day alone discover. How many thousands have been carried to heaven instrumentally upon the wings of these tracts, none can tell."

(Content inspired & adapted from The School of Biblical Evangelism by Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort.)


Living Water


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