Chick-fil-A, Gross Sales & Poverty... what is possible for the poor.

Note: This post is not about what could have been done this past week but rather, what can be done in the future. 

After all that I have read and heard over the past few days regarding the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, I thought that I would share some tangible numbers. Maybe it’s the business man in me or just the analytical side of my brain, I’m not quite sure, but this is what surfaced in my mind after the “social media storm” on Wednesday. 

Let me start off by saying that I'm a man of simple faith, I fall on the conservative side of most issues and yes, I ate a chicken sandwich or two this past week (insert your label for me here.) With that said here we go...

There are hundreds of verses throughout the entire Bible that talk about the poor and the needy and God’s concern for them. It is absolutely crystal clear that God cares very much for the poor and the needy and we are called and commanded to do something for them, especially if we know the Lord! One of my favorite passages regarding this very issue is

Jeremiah 22:15b-16 “Did not your father have food and drink? He did what was right and just, so all went well with him. He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the Lord. (emphasis added.)

So, how does this apply to Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day? Based on very conservative numbers (see below for details) this is what “America” can do for the poor and needy around the world with the same amount of financial backing that is given to Chick-fil-A in just one NORMAL business day (not including the record setting sales of this past Wednesday!)

     *Dig 3,742 water wells through Water Harvest International or Water 4

     *Or, fund 87,326 micro-loans through Seed Effect

     *Or, send 174,653 goats overseas through the World Vision Catalog

     *Or, plant 130,990 forests through Plant with Purpose      

*Or, sponsor 1,819 children through Compassion International

Here is my point... a large group of people stood up for something they believed in this past week and the impact was overwhelming. Tens of millions of dollars were spent, countless hours of tweeting and facebooking were logged and an incalculable amount of energy was expended.

Well, what if this same amount of focus, energy and finances can be directed toward life savings causes and gospel centered missions!? Think about all the good that could be done around the world for the Kingdom! 

Now, I'm not saying that supporting a biblical view of marriage, freedom of speech, small business rights (or any of the other reasons chicken biscuits were gobbled up) is negative in any way. At the same time though, people all over the world are dying for the lack of the basic necessities of life like food, shelter and water and yet I have not seen (in my lifetime) this kind of passion, support or effort given to them in a single 24 hour period. The Scriptures are chalked full of God's heart for the oppressed and our hearts and pocketbooks should break for them too. Among all the things to stand up for, we cannot forget that the Lord has commanded us to defend the cause of the poor and the needy multiple times throughout the Scriptures. Jesus even said that what we do for them, we are doing for Him (Matt 25:40!)

So here is my challenge for all those up for it... Will you, will I, do the same thing for the destitute and the dying this week that so many of us did for Chick-fil-A?

The links are above, just a click away and thousands of lives can be saved and the gospel can be advanced even further. And, I can almost guarantee you that there will be no controversy over anyone helping the poor. :) 

Who knows, maybe we could even get Mike Huckabee to join us and call for a national day of digging wells!


These numbers were based on the following... 

  • Chik-fil-a’s gross sales were 4.1 billion dollars in 2011. This equals $13,099,041in gross sales on an average business day (Sunday’s not included.) Note: this is just an average day. August 1st 2012 was the largest gross sales day of Chik-fil-a’s history! 

  • Water wells are roughly $3500 through both organizations mentioned above.

  • The average micro-loan through Seed Effect is $150. 

  • Goats are $75 through World Visions gift catalog.

  • Trees are $1 each and a forest is $100 through Plant with Purpose.

  • Child sponsorship numbers are estimated at $40 a month for 15 years or $7200 total.


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