Trusting in God...
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." - Jesus (Jn 14:1)
Here is a story from Brennan Manning's book, Ruthless Trust...
"When our children were young I would sometimes rise early on a Saturday morning and fix them pancakes for breakfast. It was great fun... They loved the pancakes - even mine - and would wolf them down quickly. I would often watch in astonishment at their greedy eating. Yet, not once did I see either of them slipping a few pancakes under the table, stuffing them in their pockets thinking, "I don't know about Dad. Maybe there won't be any pancakes tomorrow and so I'd better get myself a little stash just in case." Not once did they ask me about the price of eggs or my ability to secure enough milk for tomorrow. No, as far as they were concerned there was an endless supply of pancakes.
They lived, you see, in trust."
I love this example of a child-like trust in a father. We worry about so many things, specifically financial things... Will I have enough money to retire? What about my health insurance deductibles if I get sick? Can our family live on one income and still pay the bills? What if America itself goes bankrupt? And on, and on, and on...
Then I am reminded of Matthew 6, where Jesus tells us not to worry about what we will wear, what we will eat or even what we will drink! Saying things like, "is life not more important than this? If God feeds and clothes the lilies of the valley and the birds of the air, will He not provide for you? You are more important than they are. Stop worrying, stop fretting about tomorrow, today has enough trouble of its own." (my paraphrase)
It boggles my mind that Jesus tells us not to worry about the absolute essentials that we need to survive... food, clothes & water! That life itself is more important than what actually keeps us alive... What then do you think He would say about us agonizing over our retirement funds!!?
Why is it easier to trust Him for our salvation and not for our provision? Oh, when will we trust Him fully as a child trusts his father!?
May we begin to rest in the unrelenting promises of His word! "And my God will meet all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus."- Phil 4:19