Birthday Wishes

Gal 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Every year, you know that I ask for birthday gifts that support Christian/non-profit organizations. Well, instead of picking just one this year, I've picked a few great causes. My goal is that you don't just choose whether or not to give, but rather, which one you're going to give to. :)

Here are my birthday wishes in order from the smallest donation amount to the largest...

Water Well ($0-$25)
FREE Option: We have a generous donor that has pledged the full amount of a Water Well if we can get 6350 Twitter followers. We already have 1100 followers but need a little more help. Follow us at @project2540 and spread the word. For more info click here:
Financial Support: (any amount needed) We are currently raising money to dig another Water Well in Sudan (click here to see our first well dug in Mitika... We've already received $2000 in pledges and need just $1500 more to finish this project. You can donate in two ways: by Check or Online at
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're sending in a check, PLEASE write "Project 25:40" in the memo line or Water Harvest will NOT know which well to appropriate the funds to.
ALSO, if you're donating online, PLEASE make sure on the "review your donation" page that you click on special donations and type "Project 25:40" in the memo box.
Sudan Footrace... (a 5k run - $25-$30)
I am running (along with many other Project 25:40 supporters) in a 5k on April 28th. Each donation goes to two wonderful organizations... Seed Effect ( who empowers the poor through micro-finance loans & e3 Partner Ministries ( who shares the gospel, makes disciples, plants churches, builds schools and so much more. If you would like to run with us please sign up at The donation amount is $25.
And, if you're injured, tired or just plain lazy:), you can still support the cause by signing up for the "sleep in" option for $30 on the same link above.
Bikes for Believers... ($110)
Something as simple as a bicycle can help in leading hundreds of new people to Christ each year. Listen to what pastor Bapu said about a bike he received in 2009... "In only two years, I was able to visit 144 villages with this bicycle and share the life-changing Gospel with so many people. As a result, 272 people have received Jesus as their Savior!"
And, every dollar that is donated through Gospel for Asia goes directly to the field! Click here to join this effort...
I love you all and thank you in advance for your birthday generosity!


Store Up Treasure for Yourselves...?


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