New Year's Resolutions with Scriptures

Since it's time to set New Year's resolutions, I thought that I would share mine for 2014…

  • To delight in the Lord each day by getting into the Word and finding a verse that brings joy to my heart. 

    Neh 8:10 & Psalm 37:4

  • To seek Christ like never before, walking and talking with Him continuously throughout each day, sincerely listening and paying attention to His voice. 

    Is 30:21 - Psalm 16:11, 27:4 - Acts 3:18-20

  • To walk in truth & in simple faith like that of a child, never allowing any doubts, fears or worries to hold me back.  

    2 Tim  1:7 & Luke 18:17

  • To walk boldly as a lion in His power & presence within me through every circumstance of life.  And, to embrace & use the spiritual gifts He has given me in powerful ways for His glory.  

    Prov 28:1 - Rom 8:11 - 1 Cor 2:12

  • To be Kingdom Focused and eternally minded, seeing the world through spiritual eyes. 

    Matt 6:33 & Col 3:22

  • To fully understand my identity in Christ & boldly approach His throne of grace regularly.

    Heb 4:15-16, 10:19-24 - Eph 1

  • To love like Jesus loves, serve like He serves and forgive like He forgives. 

    Mark 10:45 - John 13:34-35 - Eph 4:32


Open Hearts & Open Wallets


Faith & Phil Mickelson