Statistics EVERY Christian Should Know!

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." - Psalm 119:11

According to a recent *study from The Center for Biblical Engagement, people that read or listen to the Bible at least 4 times a week are...

  • 228% more likely to share their faith with others

  • 231% more likely to disciple others

  • 407% more likely to memorize Scripture

And are...

  • 57% less likely to get drunk

  • 68% less likely to have sex outside of marriage

  • 61% less likely to view pornography

  • 74% less likely to gamble

Steve Arterburn also said it this way...

"listening to or reading the Bible at least 4 times a week changes our character, relationships, behavior and choices that we make each day." 

Will you help me get this news out? Please tweet, Facebook, forward etc. this information. It's truly transformational! 


*Here is a link to the article referenced:


Christmas: Better Giving than Receiving...


Commissioned Christians